The Brooks Family

It is a rare event the entire Brooks Family is altogether at the same time so when Linda called to set up a family session I was so excited for them!  Doug, Kathleen, Kingston, Reagan, & Brittany came home to the family farm from Arizona and brought some beautiful weather with them!  Favorite moments from their session include:

  • Kingston talking about hamburgers and only hamburgers… Not pizza, ice cream, or candy… just hamburgers!
  • Megan’s attempt to lay a wet one on her nephew Kingston (see how that went below 😀 )
  • Brittany  and the kids blowing dandy lions all over
  • Doug’s muscles – check out the photos of him throwing Kingston up in the air!
  • Seeing the 3 sisters back together again!  You can’t tell they are related at all, can you… 😉
  • Reagan and Kingston tickling feet as we were photographing Linda and the girls!  Such goofs!
  • Reagan driving the gator like no one’s business…that girl has places to go and no one to stand in her way.  Love seeing her spunky personality!


Enjoy some of my favorites from their family session! So fun catching up Brooks Family, until next time!

Family Photos

June 12, 2019

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